Edge PACE 360

Potential   Ambition   Capability   Engagement

Edge PACE 360 is a unique online feedback toolkit with a difference.
It provides in-depth assessment of Potential, Ambition, Capability and Engagement.

Choose the right PACE for you:

Exceptional Feedback, Exceptional Success: Edge PACE 360 - a business and individual assessment tool.

Individuals can create their own stakeholder portfolio and manage the feedback process. There are no limits to the number of people, teams or functions that can engage with the process and a personal development report is produced with key insights to support their career goals. Results are compared to the Edge skills and behaviours global benchmark of over 10,000 professionals from across industries.
An Edge PACE dashboard creates a simple, effective and consistent view of skills and behaviour gaps and provides management insights to develop learning strategies and target budgets to maximise returns on investment in people. Edge PACE 360 is a cost effective way for organisations to maximise and measure the effectiveness of the investment in people and improve the speed to value of that investment.

Edge PACE 360 for Business Partners

Specifically designed for Business Partners. Edge PACE 360 for Business Partners is used to assess potential, ambition, capability and engagement and business partners are benchmarked to the Edge Benchmark of over 10,000 industry peers globally.

Edge PACE 360 for Business Partners is an online feedback tool which incorporates multi-stakeholder views of business partner skills and behaviours into a personal development report with observations, insights and comments in the context of Business Partnering.

  • Self-managed online process
  • No limit to the number of contributors
  • Comparison to external benchmark
  • In-depth personal development report
  • Insights on potential, ambition, capability and engagement
  • Assessment of technical, personal, commercial and overall business partner effectiveness
  • Validates and Certifies Business Partners training CPD hours
  • Employer Dashboard provides summary charts and views across all Business Partners
  • Internally benchmarks and compares all Business Partners
  • Compares your Business Partners against the Edge Benchmark of over 10,000 industry peers globally
  • Employers can identify common areas of support and target learning to ensure career success
  • A cost effective way to understand and develop Business Partnering in your organisation

Edge PACE 360 for Leaders

Specifically designed for those in a Leadership role. Edge PACE 360 for Leaders is used to assess potential, ambition, capability and engagement and leaders are benchmarked to the Edge Benchmark of over 10,000 industry peers globally

Edge PACE 360 for Leaders is an online feedback tool which incorporates multi stakeholder views of leadership skills and behaviours into a personal development report with observations, insights and comments in the context of Leadership.

  • Self-managed online process
  • No limit to the number of contributors
  • Comparison to external benchmark
  • In-depth personal development report
  • Insights on potential, ambition, capability and engagement
  • Assessment of management style, relationship intelligence, charisma, personal, commercial and overall leadership effectiveness
  • Employer Dashboard provides summary charts and views across all developing leadership talent
  • Internally benchmarks and compares all developing leadership talent
  • Compares your Leaders against the Edge Benchmark of over 10,000 industry peers globally
  • Employers can identify common areas of support and target learning to ensure career success
  • A cost effective way to understand and develop Leaders in your organisation

Edge PACE 360 for Graduates

Specifically designed for Graduates. Edge PACE 360 for Graduates is used to assess and track potential, ambition, capability and engagement throughout the Graduate Scheme.

Edge PACE 360 for Graduates is an online feedback tool which incorporates multi stakeholder views of the Graduates leadership skills and behaviours into a personal development report with observations, insights and comments in the context of Leadership.

  • Self-managed online process throughout duration of Graduate Scheme
  • No limit to the number of contributors
  • Comparison to external benchmark
  • Insights on potential, ambition, capability and engagement
  • Assessment of technical, personal, commercial and overall leadership effectiveness
  • Validates and Certifies Graduate training CPD hours
  • Employer Dashboard provides summary charts and views across all Graduates
  • Internally benchmark and compare your Graduates
  • Supports Employer with talent management and recruitment
  • Graduates receive individual reports evidencing all work placements, training and qualification success with feedback from managers, stakeholders, customers and trainers who interact with them throughout their scheme
  • Reports can be produced multiple times to coincide with placement feedback
  • Graduates access the Edge Academy online learning
  • Employer can track progress of all their Graduates and identify common areas of support to ensure career success
  • Final personal development plan at the end of scheme for each graduate
  • A cost effective way to evidence and measure the effectiveness of the investment in your Graduates

Edge PACE 360 for Apprentices/Careers

Specifically designed to support apprenticeship schemes and those in full-time education about to embark on their career journey. Edge PACE 360 for Apprentices/Careers is used to assess and track potential, ambition, capability and engagement throughout the apprenticeship scheme. Apprentices are benchmarked to the Edge Benchmark of over 10,000 industry peers globally.

Edge PACE 360 for Apprentices/Careers is an online feedback tool. Individuals can get feedback on skills and behaviours which are relevant and important to launching their career, preparing them for interview or helping them identify how they can improve the way they work in a new job.

  • Self-managed online process
  • No limit to the number of contributors such as tutors, lecturers, colleagues or managers
  • Comparison to external benchmark
  • Insights on potential, ambition, capability and engagement
  • Validates and Certifies Apprentice training CPD hours
  • Employer Dashboard provides summary charts and views across all Apprentices
  • Internally benchmark and compare your Apprentices
  • Supports Employer with talent management and recruitment
  • Apprentices receive individual reports evidencing all training and qualification success with feedback from managers, stakeholders, customers, peers, assessors and trainers who interact with them throughout their scheme
  • Apprentices access the Edge Academy online learning
  • Employers can track the progress of all their Apprentices and identify common areas of support to ensure their success
  • A cost effective way to evidence and measure the effectiveness of the investment in your Apprentices
